Update: 21 December 2024

Heavy Metal Toxicity and Cognitive Functioning in Children

Charles Moon, PhD, Mike Marlowe, John Stellem, John Errera, Department of Educational Foundations University of Wyoming

This study investigates the relationships of heavy metal levels with children's cognitive functioning. The research team demonstrate conclusively that heavy metal levels, previously considered "harmless," are associated with significant cognitive deficits.

In this study, in-hair toxic heavy metal concentrations of lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, and aluminum were determined in 69 randomly selected elementary age children. The children also were administered the Wide Range Achievement Test reading and spelling tests, and the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test. In addition, the children's parents were interviewed to control for any confounding variables that may have affected the subjects's cognitive development.

Research Findings

Source: Journal of Learning Disabilities

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