Update: 15 October 2024

hTMA, DNA, Energy + Health

Welcome. Finding an effective solution to a health problem can be a disappointing experience with potentially dangerous consequences. That is why hTMA makes sense to many of us, it's safe and addresses systemic wellness. It's not a magic bullet, however. Good health requires your attention.

A non-invasive hTMA test uses ICP-Mass Spectrometry for advanced elemental analysis of a small hair sample. The test identifies multiple factors affecting your current state of health. An experienced hTMA Practitioner reviews your lab results and provides an individualized, therapeutic nutrition-centric protocol to resolve your concerns, improve overall performance, and restore systemic balance.


Mitochondria is an organelle in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. Mitochondria are found in large numbers in most cells.

Essential nutrient minerals are required for optimum health. Both mineral excesses and deficiencies present as emotional dysfunction and/or physiological dysregulation. Your body can not synthesize these crucial minerals (as it does vitamin D) so they must be obtained from diet. Essential minerals impact energy production at the cellular level as well.

The body is comprised of an estimated 37 trillion (dynamically changing) cells. During ‘cell turnover’ about 50-70 billion cells are eliminated and replaced each day and each new cell contains a nucleus housing your complete DNA. It is the carrier of your specific genetic information.

Each molecule of DNA consists of two strands coiled around each other to form the familiar double helix spiral ladder shape. A pair of chemical groups called bases, combine in specific pairs so that the sequence on one strand of the double helix is complementary to that on the other. A DNA strand requires 45 minerals to replicate with precision accuracy. We now understand that EMFs break DNA strands, and electrosmog is epidemic.

Energy Potential

Most health disorders are high-level expressions of cellular dysfunction. The transmembrane potential of the mitochondria drives the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism (biological energy).

To support all physiological actions, cells use the energy they store while in the resting potential. Changes in the cell membrane enable communication with other cells, or initiate changes inside the cell. For example, this happens in an egg when it is fertilized by a sperm. In neuronal cells, an action potential begins with a rush of sodium ions into the cell through sodium channels (resulting in depolarization). Recovery involves an outward rush of potassium through potassium channels. Both occur by passive diffusion.

Optimum cellular function is required to support and maintain good health.

Assaults on Your Health

  1. Undernourishment. Well fed, yet malnourished
  2. EMF/EMR. Persistant, ubiquitous EMF exposure
  3. Toxicity from chronic, low-level exposure
  4. Stress, distress, psychological trauma and emotional dysregulation


Over three billion people are currently micronutrient malnourished (i.e. micronutrient elements and vitamins). The societal costs include; learning disabilities among children, increased morbidity and mortality rates, lower worker productivity, high healthcare costs, and all of the factors diminishing human potential, happiness, and economic development. Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. iron, zinc, vitamin A) account for almost two thirds of childhood deaths worldwide.

Compared with the USDA-ARS research done in 2004, today, undernourishment effects everyone. Download Plant Breeding for Micronutrients (2004 Report):

Due to industrial ag techniques and soil degradation, crops are now deficient nutritionally (likewise the animals that eat them). In fact, the level of every nutrient in almost every kind of food has fallen between 10 and 100 percent since the 1940s. This means that an individual now would need to consume twice as much meat, 3 times as much fruit, and 4 to 5 times as many vegetables to obtain the same nutrition as was available from those foods in 1940.

All around the world – on an epidemic scale – a cluster of preventable diseases (collectively known as metabolic syndrome) are destroying health and causing indiscriminate suffering.

Millennials are seeing their health decline faster than the previous generation. Both in physical health conditions like hypertension and high cholesterol, and in psychological-behavioral health conditions, including major depression, hyperactivity, etc. Without intervention millennials could see mortality rates climb more than 40% compared to Gen-Xers at the same age. The Economic Consequences of Millennial Health (2019 Report)

Regenerative Health

Biomedical research considers health as the absence of disease. Because of this viewpoint, its focus is on what is involved in the transition from health to disease. Consequently biotechnology and pharmacological development efforts attempt delay or reverse this transition.

But if we consider ‘health’ from a wider perspective, clearly the biological causes of health include organizational (dynamic) qualities. These factors work in concert to maintain functional physiology. Disruption of any of these interconnected qualities is widely pathogenic, causing an acute or progressive derailment of your body's systems of wellness.

Mineral Wheel

Nutrient Interrelationships pdf

What is hTMA?

A hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (hTMA) is a noninvasive medical test that provides comprehensive information about; key nutrient mineral levels and ratios, metabolic status, and toxicity influences.

The hTMA lab report can be used to correct the interrelationships of essential minerals, and improve cellular function (e.g., mitochondria transmembrane potential). You can improve cellular function with hTMA. When cells are working properly, health improves also.

Most medical tests are highly focused, designed to identify the cause of a symptom. So to aleviate the symptom, this type of test informs the doctor on an appropriate pharmaceutical intervention or surgical procedure Alternatively, hTMA provides a comprehensive picture — an individual-specific health profile. It is a multipurpose medical test which can identify trends toward disease (predictive medicine). hTMA data provides the qualified hTMA clinician with a range of information that they use to better understand, and address, the patient's condition. True even when there are confusing or complex symptoms (comorbidity).

Benefits of hTMA
Nutritional Balancing.org

Nutritional Balancing.org is a non-commercial public educational resource providing information about hTMA. If you are interested in hTMA for yourself, to ensure safety and best results we recommend that you work with a medically qualified practitioner with clinical hTMA experience.

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